Om Mihani | Uni of Calgary
I am Om Mihani, a fourth-year undergrad in Chemical Engineering. I was an intern at the University of Calgary, Canada. I got this internship via MITACS (keep checking the website and ping me for doubts). I reached the city a week before the actual date of my intern, and this was because it was the best option for travel. I got good 5 days to explore the lovely city and I went to visit the professor on 28th thinking that I can get an informal intro with him but that later turned to be my first day of work. The professor was super enthusiastic about the project.
My work was on stability study of Nanobubbles using Molecular simulations. The initial few days were to train myself with the software and previous work which I did pretty quickly. (The professor and my mentor were quite surprised). I then got on with the project and developed a lot of tools and did the computational experiments. During the intern I made a lot of new friends and travelled a lot. My mentor used to get pissed off if I asked her doubts over the weekends, so I realised it is better to enjoy the city on the weekends.
(P.S. Ping me for suggestions for places to visit if you ever go to Canada). Our lab also went on a group hike which was pretty enjoyable. In the last week, I had my final presentation and a farewell party. All in all, it was a great learning experience.
Now, a little bit of gyaan: Always document your work. Never rely on memory. I almost forgot some of the things I had done and would have lost them permanently had I not formed the weekly reports. You should submit a final report at the end of your project so that the students who continue the work should be able to understand what you did and how you thought. Without documentation, no one else would be able to use your work and you yourself might forget what you did. And love your work but take appropriate breaks to make it more enjoyable.
Thanks for reading till the end and good luck for your future endeavours.