Palak Vora | Hindustan Unilever Limited
HI am Palak Vora, a to be chemical fourthie. I've always been deeply interested in core chemical engineering, mainly the physics that comes with it. I love exploring different domains & gathering some valuable experiences on the way!
It was an 8 week internship at Andheri, Head office of HUL. The work culture here is great, they encourage you to think on your own and out of the box. Right from looking for the most relevant literature to which experiments you should model and what approach you should take - each decision will be your own. They really push you to work without too much assistance, it's mainly about how you can take initiatives with minimal support .
Unilever is one of the biggest FMCGs in the world. Their attitude towards sustainability and plastic reduction is also worth noting. My domain was R&D. I thought it was a good idea to go for R&D because:
a. I love research and previous experiences in corporate research had been very rewarding for me
b. A quick run through HUL's website told me they have space some of the most out-of-the-box ideas, innovations and tech
Also, this is one of the only companies that opens an R&D profile so I was keen to grasp the opportunity
I was pursuing an IEOR minor, which would probably be relevant for a supply chain profile, but for R&D it's mainly your math and physics that's going to matter. As I said, my main motivation to go for R&D was a good past experience in the same, and the fact that I would get to work with like-minded people in one of the best research companies
Overall, the atmosphere in intern season is of course tense :/ but what really helped me was staying confident. To put it simply I went in with a mindset that this is "my domain", this is the stuff I love - this really helped me in the interview and application because everything I said was straight from my heart, no script needed.
The process involves 3 rounds - first they will ask you to fill a form, basically segmenting your resume so it's more structured for them to follow and compare. Next there's a hirevue round, where they will ask some out of the box questions and they will basically test your creativity and innovative thinking (remember to stay confident and look confident while answering because the AI tests that) would highly recommend looking at some YouTube videos on how to give a hirevue interview before going for this one (a valuable tip shared by one of my seniors - Ananya Burli) Lastly, they will have a 30 min interview. Remember that they have come here to hire you! My interview was more like a brain storming session on random physical phenomena, more like a fun conversation where the interviewers were just exploring possibilities with me. Just be as comfortable as you can with them, it will help you showcase your thinking to your full potential
There wasn't really an induction period, we had a one-day orientation where the senior executives shared their life journeys with us. From the next day it was about get-to-work and start understanding what your problem statement is & connect with your stakeholders
The work life balance is excellent. I don't recollect working beyond 6 on any day. The team members were super helpful and willing to give you time, but most of the times they're all quite busy so it really matters how much you can figure out on your own and how you can effectively utilise the time they give you
There weren't any trips from the company's side, and no realm recreational activities that they planned, but you can bond with your cointerns - they generally have around 30 cointerns half of whom would be in Mumbai HO with you, so bonding with them was fun!
For me, I live in Bombay itself so it wasn't a hassle to find an accommodation. The company provides accommodation at a guest house so it's not a problem if you aren't a resident in Mumbai either
The key takeaways for me would be breaking down a large problem, finding a solution within the available means and resources and of course an in-depth understanding of surfactant systems and formulations
All the best for the intern season! Just remember to have faith in yourself & don't stop looking for opportunities!
Feel free to drop a message in case you have doubts :)